A more abundant College Experience
College is known for its experiences, the relationships you make, and of course, the degree you receive. We want to provide a fun, safe, and welcoming atmosphere where A-State students can make relationships and be in community with one another throughout their time on campus.

(picture from Gulf Coast Getaway '24)
Major Events
These are community-building, faith-shaping, and Spirit-driven events that are a landmark for our students. Most students who graduate claim the following events as their most memorable and faith-shaping times at college.

  • Fall Retreat - November 1-3
  • Gulf Coast Getaway (Early January)
  • Spring Break Retreat (March)
  • Fish Fry (April)
Minor Events
Events at our building on campus or at Southwest Church throughout the Fall & Spring semesters
Worship Nights, Midnight Worship, 24-Hours of Prayer
Movie Nights, Game Nights, Trivia Nights, Mario Party
Ping Pong Tournament, Basketball/Volleyball
Grill outs & campfires, dinners for international organizations
Pictures from Events
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Mike
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Marion
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Leio